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NCU DSSE is the only higher education institution to conduct research and offer undergraduate and graduate programs in space science and engineering research in Taiwan. We have long participated in space science research projects at home and abroad and maintaine close partnerships with various space research institutions, as well as the global and domestic space industry. Our department is further supported the by the Higher Education SPROUT Project Featured Areas Research Center Program approved by the Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2019, establishing the Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering (CAPE) - Taiwan’s first university space center with interdisciplinary research and development projects combining the resources of DSSE with those of NCU’s telecommunications, computer and information engineering, and biomedical science and engineering departments. At the same time, we actively participate in the third phase of the “National Space Technology Long-Term Development Program” (2019-2028) in Taiwan, cooperating with the Taiwan Space Agency to execute various scientific missions and cultivate the next generation of human resources in the space industry.
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