Department of Space Science & Engineering
National Central University

歷史沿革 History

  • 1962
National Central University reconstructed in Taiwan. Institute of Geophysics established in Miaoli, including the field of atmospheric physics.
  • 1968
College of Science was founded. The first domestic Atmospheric Physics undergraduate program was set up in Zhongli and was divided into the Atmospheric Physics Group and the Upper Atmosphere Physics Group.
  • 1978
The first M.S. program in Atmospheric Physics domestically was set up, degree offered by the Graduate Institute of Atmospheric Physics.

  • 1983
The first Ph.D. program in Atmospheric Physics domestically was set up, the degree offered by the Graduate Institute of Atmospheric Physics.
  • 1988
While the Graduate Institute of Atmospheric Physics was kept the same, the Bachelor Program of the Department of Atmospheric Physics and the Department of Geophysics were merged into the Bachelor Program of Physics and Earth Sciences, becoming the first undivided Earth Bachelor Program of Earth Sciences domestically. The merged Bachelor Program consists of the Physics Group, Atmosphere Group, Space Group, and Geophysics Group.
  • 1990
The Department of Physics and Earth Sciences was reconstructed. The Atmosphere Group and the Space Group were renamed the Department of Atmospheric Sciences with Atmosphere Group and Space Group.
  • 1990
The first M.S. program in Space Science offered by the Graduate Institute of Space Science.
  • 1993
The first Ph.D. program in Space Science offered by the Graduate Institute of Space Science.
  • 1998
The first College of Earth Science in Taiwan was founded.
  • 2004
The Atmosphere Group and the Space Group recruit students independently, the Graduate Institute of Space Science is responsible for the recruitment of the students and the teaching.
  • 2017
申請改名為「太空科學與工程研究所」(英文名稱為 Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering, GISSE)與增加博士班分組為「一般組」與「產學組」。業經本校校發會與校務會議通過,送經教育部同意 2019/8/1 日生效。
The Graduate Institute of Space Science applied to change its name to Graduate Institute of Space Science and Engineering (GISSE) and increase the Ph.D. program to two groups, the General Group and the Industry-Academic Group. The application was reviewed by the school development committee and the university assembly before the Ministry of Education approved and took effect on August 1, 2019.
  • 2018
申請系所整併,將「大氣科學學系太空組」學士班和「太空科學與工程研究所」碩士班與博士班合併成為「太空科學與工程學系」(英文名稱為 Department of Space Science and Engineering, DSSE)學士班碩士班博士班。業經本校校發會與校務會議通過,送經教育部同意 2020/8/1 日生效(正巧是太空科學研究所成立三十週年)。
Apply for the integration of the department, merging the Bachelor Space Group of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and the M.S. and Ph.D. program of the Graduate Institution of the Space Science and Engineering into the B.S., M.S., and the Ph.D. program of the Department of Space Science and Engineering (DSSE). The application was reviewed by the school development committee and the university assembly before the Ministry of Education approved and took effect on August 1, 2020. The day happens to be the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate Institute of Space Science.
  • 2020
The Department of Space Science and Engineering was established and we have officially become a HEI that offers complete B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs.